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五年级英语教案 - Unit 4 Goodbye

03-14 18:50:25   浏览次数:42326  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:幼儿园英语教案,英语教案模板,小学三年级英语教案,http://www.duowen123.com 五年级英语教案 - Unit 4 Goodbye,
教材简析: 本单元由A Learn to say . B Look and learn .   C Look and say  .D Fun house .四部分组成.A Learn to say  主要是围绕四个祈使句进行教学的,要求学生在生活中灵活、自觉地运用“Get up , Go to school ,Go home,Go to bed ”; B Look  and  learn  主要是教学八个家具类单词 “a bookcase ,a fridge ,a desk ,a chair ,a bed ,a sofa ,a table , a telephone ”;C  Look and say  主要是用“This is a /an ...” 介绍物品,并了解该句型与介绍人物句型 :“This is ……”的区别; D Fun house 对本单元所学句型、词汇进行系统地复习检测,会用句型“Here’a …….”, 会唱:“Goodbye !”. 教学目的: 1.        能听懂、会说以下祈使句,并能运用所学祈使句进行交际。“Get up ,Go to school ,Go home, Go to  bed ”。 2.        能听懂、会说以下三种告别用语,并能在真实的交际场景中自然运用。“Goodbye ,See you  . Good night .” 3.        能听懂、会说以下八个家具类单词“a desk , a chair ,a bed ,a sofa ,a table , a telephone ,afridge ,a bookcase .” 4.        学会用“This is a /an …”句型介绍物品,并了解该句型与介绍人物的句型“This is ……” 间的区别。 5.        会唱歌曲“Goodbye !” 6.        能听懂、会说“Here’s a ……”句型 教学重点: 见教学目的1、2、3。 教学难点: 见教学目的:4、6 教具准备: 录音机、磁带、图片、实物、桌面。 教学方法: 情境教学法、游戏法、直观教学法。 教学时数: 第一课时:    A  Learn to say . 第二课时:    B  Look and learn . 第三课时:    C  Look  and say . 第四课时:    D  Fun house . 合计:                    四课时。  Unit 4   Goodbye The first period: A Learn to say TEACHING CONTENTS: Pattern : “Get up ,Go to school ,Go home, Go to bed ,Goodbye , See you ,Good night ” TEACHING AIMS: 1.                   The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance :“Get up ,Go to school ,Go home,Go to bed ,Good bye , See you, Good night.” 2.                   To encourage the Ss to talk in English . TEACHING AIDS: Cassette ,recorder ,masks (David ,Nancy , Mrs Black , Mr Black ,Miss Li ) TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step 1   Warm-up : 1.       Sing two  songs :“Hello !Hi,Nancy!” 边唱边交际表演。 2.       Greetings: Hello!Hi!Good morning /afternoon /Nice to meet you. 3.       Free talk : (1)    T:  Hi /Hello ,I’ m  Miss Yan ,What ‘s your name? S:  Hi/Hello,Miss Yan,I’m ×× T:  Good morning/Good afternoon ,××,This is ×× S1: Nice to meet you ,××. S2: Nice to meet you ,too . (2)    S1:Good morning /Good afternoon ,××,This is ××. S2: Nice to meet you ,××,S3:Nice to meet you , too . (3)    S1:Hi, I’m Nancy,This is my father /mother /brother/sister . S2: Nice to meet you … S3: Nict to meet you ,too . Step 2 .Presentation and practice . 1.       Learn to say :“Get up ,××”,“All right ” a.       利用课件:一面钟:指针指向six;太阳慢慢升起,背景为野外的花香鸟语声。T: Oh, It’s six . The sun  rises .“Get up ,Li Li ” S1:“All right .”(  say “All right ” ,do “Get up ”) b.       Read after the T. “Get up ”“All right ” 利用情境,学生进行组组、男女生的练习。 c.Sing “Get up ,Get up ”  “All right,All right ” c.       Practice : T—S,     S—S  , Group work . Work in pairs . d.       Check.      2.  Learn to say :“Go to school now ,××”.“Ok ,××,Goodbye ” a.       T: LiLi,Look at the clock ,It’s  seven ,Put up your schoolbag ,Go to school now ,LiLi.(帮助学生背好书包,并作出手势,让学生意会该去上学了) S1:Ok,Miss Yan ,Goodbye. b.       Read after the T. “Go to school ,now ”“Ok ” c.       Practice .(开火车练习:S1:Go to school, ××.S2: Ok,Go to school,××. S3:Ok.     …….  )此时播放合适的音乐,渲染气氛。 d.       Check. 3.  Boys and girls,I’m tired ,Let’s have a rest . Play  a game :Listen and do . (one student say “Get up ”, the others act it ) 2.       Learn :“Go home,now ,××,All right,See you ,××” a.  T: LiLi ,It’s five o’clock,school is over ,Go home,now,LiLi.                 S1:All right ,See you ,Miss Yan .(边说边背书包走出教室,准备回家) b.  Read after the T “Go home .” “See you ”
     c. Practice要(练习时,把see you 和Goodbye 交换使用。) d. Check.
     Play a game :Guess: (Teacher act “Get up。 What am I doing ?” student guess .) 3.       Learn :“Go to bed now ,××,Ok ,Good night,××” a.       创设一个晚间情景,夜空黑乎乎,月亮挂在树梢,星星在眨眼。 T :“LiLi,It’s nine,The moon rises ,Go to bed ,now ,LiLi.” S1:“Ok, Good night.”(边说边打着哈欠) b.       Read after the T. “bed ”  “Good night” c.       Practice and check.(小组内先自由练说,再进行组组之间的评比。)           Step3. Consolidation. 1.       Listen to the tape and repeat .(first only listen ,the second time repeat ). 2.       Act the part A.(引入竞争制,使学生的注意力更为集中) 3.         4.       Workbook :Page 10 A  Listen and judge . Step 4. Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat about Part A three times . Sing“Goodbye !” Design: Unit 4 Goodbye 图1      Get up ,××.All right 图2           Go to school now ,××.Ok,××,Goodbye. 图3           Go home now ,××.All right,See you,××. 图4           Go to bed now ,××. Ok ,Good night ,××. POSTSCRIPT. Phonetic symbol. bed/bed/    night/nait/   get/get/   right/rait/   school/sku:l/   home/h[Um/ now/naU/   see/si:/     sofa/5s[Uf[/  telephone/5telif[Un/   table/5teibl/ fridge/fridV/   chair/tFZ[/   desk/desk/     bookcase /buk-keis/ BACKSIGHT: The second period: B Look and learn. TEACHING CONTENTS: Vocabulary: a bookcase,a desk ,a bed ,a sofa , a fridge ,a chair ,a table ,a telephone. TEACHING AIMS: 1.                  To understand and say the words :a bookcase, a bed ,a sofa ,a fridge ,a chair ,a table,a telephone . 2.                  To encourage the Ss to learn English. TEACHING PROCEDURES : Step 1.   Warm-up : 1.       Sing 《Hello》、《Hi,Nancy!》.师生共乐。 2.       Greetings: Hello, everyone!Good morning everyone…….以及围绕上一节课所学句型。 3.       Freetalk. Step2 Presentation and practice . 简单地自我介绍以及介绍家人。 1.       Learn to say new word: a.        T: Boys and girls ,Let’s go to my home (Take out picture B Look and learn)今天你们将参观我的家,从我家出来后,你们将学会许多有用的单词。 S1: Miss Yan ? what's this? T:  This is a fridge . b.       Read after the T. a fridge ,This is a fridge . T: Boys and girls ,what colour? S: A green fridge …                c.  T: Boys and girls ,Let’s sing it ,Ok? (Fridge ,fridge ,fredge ,I like fridge ,I like fridge )                 d.  Practice in pairs and check , one say these one by one . 2.       Look and say the other words .(bed ,bookcase) The same method . Play a game: 1.guess . 1)      师用简笔画进行画,生根据教师的笔势进行猜测。 2)      采用多媒体,根据事物的一部分进行来猜全体。 3.       Check . Look at the picture and say “This is a fridge /chair/…….” Step 3 Consolidation. 1.       Listen to the tape and repeat. 2.       Play a game :Passing a secret. 3.       Workbook: B Listen and circle.师生互动共同熟悉上面的事物。 4.       Draw and guess: desk, table ,chair .以画简笔画的方式引入这三个单词的学习。 5.       Chant . 以Chant 形式学习sofa , telephone ,sofa ,sofa ,I sit in the sofa .Telephone ,telephone ,I call you on the telephone .         6.  Practice and check . Step4 Homework. Listen to the tape and repeat about Part A and Part B (several times .) Step5  END. Sing“Goodbye!” Design: Unit 4 Goodbye . 图1   a fridge          图5   a chair 图2   a bookcase       图6   a table 图3   a desk           图7   a sofa 图4   a bed            图8   a telephone

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,五年级英语教案 - Unit 4 Goodbye
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