

03-17 02:20:09   浏览次数:13826  栏目:小学英语教案
标签:幼儿园英语教案,英语教案模板,小学三年级英语教案,http://www.duowen123.com 《《WhatWouldYouLike?》教学设计——pep3教案》教学设计——pep3教案,

Unit 5 单元分析

一、 教学内容

1. 掌握A B 部分Read and write 的单词和句子

2、听、说、认读A B部分Let’s learn和 Let’s talk中的单词和句子。

3、理解Let’s do Let’s chant等部分的内容。







重点学习有关衣服和鞋子的大小、评论价格、颜色和款式,其中难点在于A部分的Let’s talk和B部分的Let’s learn.



Lesson 25

1 Teaching aims

Ask them to master the sentences:

--Can I have some rice/noodles/, please?

--Sure, here you are.

Let the students master the words—beef, soup, noodles, and vegetable, rice, fish.

2 Teaching aids

A tape-recorder, some cards.

3 Teaching steps

(1) Greeting and Sing a song.

(2) New contents

“What do you like to eat?” Let some ones answer the question.

I like …. Learn the new words rice, beef, soup and so on.

“If I want to eat or drink it, how should I say?” You should say “Can I have some--, please?” “Sure, here you are.” Practice the dialogue.

--Can I have some rice, please?

--Sure, here you are.

--How much is it?


4 homework

Recite the new words.

5 Teaching notes

Lesson 26

1 Teaching Aids

Let the students master the sentences

“I would like some~~~

What’s for dinner?

What would you like for dinner?”

2 Teaching Aims

A tape-recorder, some cards, a table

3 Important points

Everything is ready.

What would you like?

I’ d like some~~

4 Teaching steps

(1) Greetings and revision

Say hello to each other. And then talk about the date and the weather.

Practice the sentence—Can I have some~~~~, please?

Revise the words—soup, beef and rice, fish~~~~

(2) New contents

“What would you like?” Let some one answer the question. “I would like …”

Practice the sentences. T-S S-T S-S

Then the teacher and the student continue the dialogue. Practice the dialogue. Then read the dialogue and then act out. At last, listen to the tape.

(3) Game

Let two students play the game. One is cook, and the other is guest. The cook asks what he would like and write them down.

5 homework

Master the dialogue and recite it.

6Teaching notes

Lesson 27

1 Teaching Aims

Let the students master the words—bread, egg, milk and water. knife, spoon, fork, chopsticks.

2 Teaching Aids

some tools of eating.

A tape-recorder,

3 Teaching steps

(1) Sing a song

(2) Revision

--What would you like?

--I would like some~~~~

(3) “What do you use when you drink soup?” “I use spoon.”

Ask ‘What do you use when you eat fried egg?’ “I use chopsticks.”

Present the words—knife, fork, and so on to them. Then listen to the tape and do the actions with the right word

4 Homework

Listen to the tape.

Master the new words.

Preview the next lesson.

5 Teaching notes

Lesson 28

1 Teaching Aims

Let the students master the sentences and phrases:

Help yourself.

Let me show you.

Have a good time.

See you tomorrow.

2 Teaching Aids

a tape-recorder

3 Important points

Help yourself.

Let me try. See you tomorrow.

4 Teaching steps

(1) Greeting

(2) Revision

Use the question:

“What do you use when you have meal?”

“I use spoon, fork, and so on.” Review the words—knife, chopsticks, fork, plate, and spoon.

(3) New contents

“Have you ever visited your friend? How did you do when you had meal? Do you know the manners? Can you show the course to us? Who wants to try?”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, let’s look at the book and see the boy’s performance.

Then let them read after the teacher and the tells them the meaning of the dialogue. Point out the important points: Help yourself, let me try.

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