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美剧《越狱》Prison Break

03-17 18:13:18   浏览次数:65026  栏目:电影名言
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热播美剧《越狱》Prison Break

Michael Scofield是一头陷于绝境欲拼死一搏的怒狮,他的哥哥Lincoln Burrows几个月就将被以谋杀罪处以死刑,但Michael坚信他是被冤枉的。为了拯救了自己的手足,Michael抢劫了一家银行,因此而被关进Lincoln所在的监狱-- 福克斯河州立监狱。作为一名建筑工程师,他对监狱的建设蓝图了如指掌,带着Lincoln逃出生天也成为Michael入狱的唯一目的……

MICHAEL SCOFIELD (Wentworth Miller) is a desperate man in a desperate situation – his brother, LINCOLN BURROWS (Dominic Purcell), has been convicted of a sensational murder and is on death row in Fox River State Penitentiary. Despite the evidence against Lincoln, Michael is convinced of his innocence. With no other options and the clock ticking toward Lincoln's execution, Michael holds up a bank to get himself incarcerated alongside his brother. Once he's inside, we learn that Michael – a structural engineer with the blueprints for the prison – has hatched an elaborate plan to break Lincoln out and prove that he was framed for the crime.


1. desperate:adj. 不顾一切的,拼死的

2. convict:v. 宣告……有罪

3. death row:n. (监狱的)死囚区

4. penitentiary:n. 监狱,收容所

5. innocence:n. 清白

6. execution:n. 死刑

7. incarcerate:v. 把……关进监狱

8. elaborate:adj. 精心制作的

,美剧《越狱》Prison Break
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