

06-24 10:11:51   浏览次数:75326  栏目:个人简历
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Terry Muldour

Box 34 RE: Your ad in the Daily Gazette

Daily Gazette Sunday, March 3, 199X for a

City, State Zip self-starter to help with financial planning

Dear Terry Muldour:

You're looking for a self-starter to work in the financial field -- I'm a self-starter with financial expertise and experience!

My resume, which is enclosed, details my background; let me provide you with the highlights:

Thorough educational background: I recently received my MBA after completing a BS in Economics with a Business minor.

Firm grasp of finance: In my six years of study, I developed expertise in econometric and price analysis as well as marketing, financial and

business management.

A proven self-starter: I am currently writing a post-graduate paper on

various trade tariffs in the regional Northeast, for which I created my

own unique research methods and models.

Financial work experience: By investigating individuals and companies

wishing to open sizeable credit accounts overseas for Prudential Bache,

I became a dedicated leader, a detail-oriented worker, and better communicator.

I am a hard worker and a team player. I have the knowledge, skill, and desire to enhance the success of today's financial company. If you will contact me at (555) 456-7890 during the day or evening, I will make myself available at your convenience for an interview.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to meeting you.


Philip Tucker

(555) 456-7890

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