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My summer(暑假英语日记400字)

12-16 14:57:25   浏览次数:49026  栏目:暑假作文
标签:暑假作文600字,暑假作文大全,http://www.duowen123.com My summer(暑假英语日记400字),
  Do you know what I like?Summer vacation.I like it because I can go outside to play.If it rains,I can stay inside and play checkers.And this summer my family may go to Beijing,because we have not been there yet.

  Do you know what I don't like? I don't like homework during summer vacation."This is so difficult,"I complain.But once I begin to do it,I always stop complaining.I just try to finish it quickly so I can have a good time for the next two months!
,My summer(暑假英语日记400字)
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