

03-18 13:53:06   浏览次数:78126  栏目:寓言故事
标签:伊索寓言故事,寓言成语,伊索寓言全集,http://www.duowen123.com 英文寓言故事附翻译,


Has a bad temper of the boy, his father gave him a bag of nails. And told him that whenever he lost his temper when a nail on the nail in the backyard on the fence. The first day, the boy has nailed 37 nails. Slowly, under the nail every day to reduce the quantity of nails, he found that control of their temper than those under the nail nails easy. Thus, there is one day, the boy never lost patience, temper chaos. His father told him the matter. The father said, and now whenever he can begin to control their own temper when a nail on the pull-out. One day later, the last boy's father told him, he finally put all the nails to pull out come.

His father shook his hand, came to the backyard, said: "You're doing a good job and my child, but look at the fence on the hole. These fences will never be able to restore to before it. You angry when Say these words like nails, like a scar left. If you take a knife and stabbed someone else knife, no matter how many times do you say I am
raptao 2009-3-21 15:25:23



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