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忧客李林 Just-when-I-needed-you-most歌词 _Just-when-I-needed

03-18 16:18:48   浏览次数:25326  栏目:歌词大全
标签:经典歌词大全,儿歌歌词大全,儿歌童谣歌词大全,http://www.duowen123.com 忧客李林 Just-when-I-needed-you-most歌词 _Just-when-I-needed,


You packed in the morning and I
Stared out the window and I
Struggled for something to say

You left in the rain without closing th
e door
I didn't stand in your way
Now I miss you more than I 
Miss you before and now
Where I'll find comfort God knows
Cause you left me just
when I needed you most
Now most every morning I 
Stare out the window and I
Think about where you might be

I've written you letters that I'd like
to send
If you would just send one to me
'Cos I need you more than I 
Needed before and now
When I'll find comfort God knows

Cause you left me just when I needed yo
u most.

Just-when-I-needed-you-most 歌词由---热心网友Q
Q:250371926 提供
,忧客李林 Just-when-I-needed-you-most歌词 _Just-when-I-needed
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