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TataYoung 想起Ithinkofyou歌词 _想起 I think of youlrc歌词下

03-18 15:26:15   浏览次数:86126  栏目:歌词大全
标签:经典歌词大全,儿歌歌词大全,儿歌童谣歌词大全,http://www.duowen123.com TataYoung 想起Ithinkofyou歌词 _想起 I think of youlrc歌词下,

想起 I think of you歌词

When I’m down and all alone
When nothing seems to matter
When I lose my hope
When I’m sad and confused

When it all gets turned around and ‘roun
I can’t seem to reach for solid ground

When everything I’ve believed in seems u
All I have to do

Is think of you
I think of you and it’s gone
Like you chase away the storm
Making it all okay
I think of you
I think of you and I’m strong
And I know I can go on
It’s like you set me free
When life gets the best of me
I just think of you

Now I know what love means
And whatever life may hold for me
Through the fire
Through the rain I believe

Cause there’s nothing I can’t bear

Knowing that you will be there
If I fall I won’t break
Through it all I’ll make it through
Cause all I have to do


And when I think I’m all alone
I can’t see the way to go
Lost in the rain of my own tears
To wash away the pain and fear


For the good times and the bad times
I just think of you
Cause you know you get the best of me
I just think of you

想起 I think of you 歌词由---热心网友Unicorn 提供
,TataYoung 想起Ithinkofyou歌词 _想起 I think of youlrc歌词下
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