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M2M LoveLeftForMe(Acoustic)歌词 _Love Left For Me (Acoustic)

03-18 15:26:05   浏览次数:19326  栏目:歌词大全
标签:经典歌词大全,儿歌歌词大全,儿歌童谣歌词大全,http://www.duowen123.com M2M LoveLeftForMe(Acoustic)歌词 _Love Left For Me (Acoustic),

Love Left For Me (Acoustic)歌词

You just said the worst thing you could
ever say

Well, I don't understand why it just can
't be this way
I'm crying because of you


Oh I hate, yes I hate all your lies
I'm so scared
And I fear what I see in your eyes

But I hope, and I dream, and I wish, and
I pray
That you have some love left for me
Do you have some love left for me?

You just did the worst thing you could e
ver do to me

Well, I don't understand why and I canno
t see
That it's hurting because of you


Do you have some love left for me?
Do you have some love left for me?

I hate, yes I hate all your lies
I'm so scared

And I fear what I see in your eyes (you
don't feel anything)

But I hope, and I dream, and I wish, and
I pray
That you have some love left for me
Do you have some love left for me?

Love Left For Me (Acoustic) 歌词由---热心网友y
y2crystal & 郭寶、供。 提供
,M2M LoveLeftForMe(Acoustic)歌词 _Love Left For Me (Acoustic)
相关热词搜索: tag: 歌词大全,经典歌词大全,儿歌歌词大全,儿歌童谣歌词大全,歌词大全
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