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欧美群星 Goodbye-NightRanger歌词 _Goodbye - Night Rangerlrc

03-18 15:19:22   浏览次数:56626  栏目:歌词大全
标签:经典歌词大全,儿歌歌词大全,儿歌童谣歌词大全,http://www.duowen123.com 欧美群星 Goodbye-NightRanger歌词 _Goodbye - Night Rangerlrc,

Goodbye - Night Ranger歌词

As the sun hides its head

Another nights rest

And the wind sings

Its same old song

And you on the edge

Never close, never far

Always there when I needed a friend

But it hard living life

On this memory-go-round

Always up, always down

Spinning ound and ound and ound

And all this could be

Such a dream, so it seems

I was never much good at goodbye

There once was a time

Never far from my mind

On the beach, on the 4th of July

I remember the sand

How you held out your hand

And we touched for what seemed a lifetim

But it hard

Leaving all this behind me now

Like a schoolboy so lost

Never found until now

And all this could be

Such a dream, so it seems

I was never much good at goodbye

And it hard

Living life on this memory-go round

Always up, always down

Spinning ound and ound and ound

And all this could be

Such a dream, so it seems

I was never much good at goodbye

And all this could be

Such a dream, so it seems

I was never much good at goodbye


Goodbye - Night Ranger歌词 - MTV音乐网

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,欧美群星 Goodbye-NightRanger歌词 _Goodbye - Night Rangerlrc
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