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[君临天下:女武神 / 英文版]

  • 名称:[君临天下:女武神 / 英文版]
  • 类型:单机游戏
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:06-12 20:19:58
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:458
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:1.00 GB
  • 推荐度:2 星级
[君临天下:女武神 / 英文版]简介

标签:大型单机游戏大全,大型游戏下载,大游戏下载, 本站提供[君临天下:女武神 / 英文版]免费下载,http://www.duowen123.com
[PC][君临天下:女武神 / 英文版][1G]游戏介绍:
英文名称:Ascension to the Throne:Valkyrie
游戏制作:DVS Games
游戏发行:Strategy First lnc.
As a result of treacherous conspiracy the ruler of Airath Alexander was deprived of power and brought to distant land of Oganthar. Craving for revenge, he returns to his native land. Alexander meets many friends and enemies on his way home, and beautiful warrioress Eneya is among them. It is she who will become the hero of the addon "Ascension to the Throne. Valkyr".

Courageous and beautiful warrioress Eneya summons allies to repulse the countless legions of Samael – demon craving for world domination. Eneya becomes stronger with every battle she and her troops win, her authority is rising, more and more skilful and experienced warriors follow her banner.

In the course of the new company gamer is going to know the answers to many questions. What happened to Eneya when Alexander was establishing his power in Oganthar? What ill fate brought her to hostile lands? What bill will the fearless warrioress deliver to the demon Samael leading an infernal army?

系统: Windows XP
CPU: 2.4 GHz
内存: 512 Mb
显卡:128 Mb显存,至少 GeForce 6600
声卡: 兼容DirectX
硬盘: 至少2.4 Gb
1. 虚拟镜像;
2. 安装游戏;
3. 运行游戏!
,大小:1.00 GB
相关热词搜索: tag: 单机游戏,大型单机游戏大全,大型游戏下载,大游戏下载,大型单机游戏 - 单机游戏
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