

  • 名称:红色警戒3中文免费版.Red.Alert.3-RELOADED
  • 类型:单机游戏
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:06-12 19:30:12
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:477
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:6.62 GB
  • 推荐度:2 星级

标签:大型单机游戏大全,大型游戏下载,大游戏下载, 本站提供红色警戒3中文免费版.Red.Alert.3-RELOADED免费下载,http://www.duowen123.com
PC 红色警戒3破解版.Red.Alert.3-RELOADED 6.62G游戏介绍:
英文名称:Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
游戏制作:EA Games
游戏发行:Electronic Arts
  处理器:XP 2.0GHz;Vista 2.2GHz(Pentium 4、Athlon XP 2000+);支持多核
  硬盘:Media 6GB;EA Link 12GB
  显卡:GeForce 6800或Radeon X1800、兼容DirectX 9.0c
  声卡:兼容DirectX 9.0c(创新Sound Blaster Audigy在Vista下需要P4 2.6GHz;不支持Yamaha Xwave-512)
  输入:键盘、鼠标 游戏简介:《红色警戒 3》故事描述强大的苏俄军队节节败退,盟军准备一举攻入克里姆林宫,库可夫将军以及查丹科上校决心孤注一掷,使用了未经测试的秘密武器:俄军时空机器;结果,他们改写了历史,在总理查丹科的领导下,让盟军濒临战败边缘,但他们却意外发现,昇阳帝国悄悄地坐大,神圣的天皇芳朗选择在此时刻发动攻击。当天皇的帝国军队带来了巨大威胁,准备将俄军和盟军从地球上消灭殆尽……从这一刻起,世界的发展全然掌握在玩家的手裡,当盟军、俄军与昇阳帝国三大阵营在玩家眼前,玩家该如何抉择?无论选择投身任一阵营,都将写下历史新页。 复制内容到剪贴板
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 (c) Electronic Arts

10/2008 :..... RELEASE.DATE .. PROTECTION .......: Securom+PA+DFE+SDK+Custom
1 :.......... DISC(S) .. GAME.TYPE ........: Strategy

苓? 苓哕 苓苓?苓? ?苓哕 苓哕 苓哕 苓
哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌 ?卟 圻卟 ??策 ??? ?策 ? ?哌咣 哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌
哌? ??哌哌 ?? ? 哌 哌 After seven years, Red Alert returns! After a time travel mission goes awry,
a new superpower has been thrust onto the world stage and World War III is
raging. The Empire of the Rising Sun has risen in the East, making WW III a
three-way struggle between the Soviets, the Allies, and the Empire with
armies fielding wacky and wonderful weapons and technologies such as Tesla
coils, heavily armed War Blimps, teleportation, armored bears, intelligent
dolphins, floating island fortresses, and transforming tanks. Experience
the next chapter of the Red Alert saga.
?苓哕 苓 曹? 苓哕 ??苓哕 苓哕 曹? 苓? 苓
哌哌哌哌哌 ?? ?哌咣 ? ?圻卟 ??? ?? ?? ?策 ?哌咣 哌哌哌哌哌
?? 哌 哌?? 哌?哌?? 哌 哌?哌哌哌

1. Unrar.
2. Burn or mount the image.
3. Install the game.
4. Copy over crack from the /Crack dir on the disc to your install dir.
5. Play the game, make sure to firewall the exe from going online or the
game will nag you about installing updates constantly.

The 1.01 update has no singleplayer improvements so we didn't include it.

,大小:6.62 GB

相关热词搜索: tag: 单机游戏,大型单机游戏大全,大型游戏下载,大游戏下载,大型单机游戏 - 单机游戏
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