

  • 名称:数字式峰值电压检测系统设计(附VHDL程序和Protel电路图)☆
  • 类型:电子毕业设计
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:06-10 00:03:28
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  • 下载次数:899
  • 语言简体中文
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  • 推荐度:4 星级

标签:电子毕业设计论文,毕业论文,毕业设计ppt模板, 本站提供数字式峰值电压检测系统设计(附VHDL程序和Protel电路图)☆免费下载,http://www.duowen123.com

摘    要

Digital Peak Voltage Detection System
With the development of science and technology, the various precise apparatus applies to various industry occasion on a large scale , the various precision instrument develops but middle in exploitation , can not have any noise, various noise avoids impossibly, this requires that the person must have drawn forth another problem , our right away in a rational range inner , this how to check the person within the rational range demanding right away? The tradition method is to pass detecting , controls noise signal, come to reach the accuracy request. The high speed no easy to achieve simulating the dyadic peak value detecting circuit takes sample. Sampling hold circuit uses the queen after the long range , may obvious change happened in the many-sided function , the structure at present no easy batches being spent giving birth to a child, but being composed of figure circuit systematically to be able to achieve simple , debugs to go to the lavatory, coming down that the long range uses to be able to not lead to the system function index
And way simulating peak value voltage detecting that the main body of a book has been introduced, priority description combines what be come true digital fleetness noise detecting method each other owing to VHDL and the high speed A/D converter, have given a pertinent VHDL host module out a part , have introduced and the interface technology owing converter and FPGA a chip. By the fact that this method can make the sampling keep circuit very easy to achieve, 1:1's catching and the maxima keeping narrower random wave form rectify peak value

Key Words:Peak value detecting;transducer;VHDL;A/D converter

1、    峰值电压检测系统的应用领域,设计方案。
2、    数字式峰值电压检测系统的实现方法。
3、    FPGA器件的结构和特点。
4、    QuartusⅡ软件的应用。
5、    硬件描述语言的程序设计。
6、    MAX120AD转化器的应用。
7、    给出数字式峰值电压检测系统的硬件连接图

目    录     18000字
摘    要.    Ⅰ
Abstract    II
引    言 ..................................................................1
1  论文研究的背景、目的和意义 .............................................3
1.1  研究的背景 .......................................................3
1.2  研究的目的和意义 .................................................3
2  峰值电压检测方案. ......................................................4
2.1  什么是峰值电压 ...................................................4
2.2  峰值电压的应用领域 ...............................................4
2.3  振动噪声的产生与检测 .............................................4
2.4  模拟式峰值电压采样保持电路.. .....................................5
2.5  数字式峰值电压检测 ...............................................6
3  硬件描述语言VHDL及QuartusⅡ简介 ......................................7
3.1  VHDL引言.........................................................7
3.2  VHDL语言简介.....................................................8
3.2.1  VHDL模型构成...............................................8
3.2.2  实体说明 ...................................................8
3.2.3  结构体 .....................................................9
3.2.4  子程序 ....................................................10
3.2.5  程序包和库 ................................................10
3.3  VHDL的主要特点..................................................11
3.4  QuartusⅡ简介..... ..............................................12
4  MAX120A/D转换器.......................................................14
4.1  MAX120A/D芯片的主要引脚及功能...................................14
4.1.1  MAX120A/D芯片的引脚及功能如下.............................14
4.1.2  引脚描述 ..................................................14
4.2  MAX120A/D的工作模式.............................................15
4.3  MAX120A/D的protel制作 ..........................................16
4.3.1  设置工作区参数及文档属性 ..................................16
4.3.2  绘制元件外形及引脚 ........................................17
4.3.3  设置元件的属性. ...........................................18
5  基于VHDL的峰值电压检测方案............................................21
5.1  逻辑功能的设计 ..................................................21
5.2  时序图 ..........................................................22
6  数字式峰值电压设计的FPGA实现..........................................24
6.1  FPGA芯片的选择及特点............................................24
6.1.1  FPGA的结构特点............................................24
6.1.2  FLEX EPF10K10-PLCC84芯片介绍..............................25
6.1.3  FPGA应用中的注意事项......................................27
6.2  数字式峰值电压设计的FPGA实现....................................28
6.2.1  FPGA内部总图..............................................28
6.3  通过QuartusⅡ实现的FPGA电路....................................28
6.3.1  分频电路DIV31250..........................................29
6.3.2  延时电路DLY07.............................................30
6.3.3  延时电路DLY1..............................................32
6.3.4  一秒门脉冲形成电路.......................... ..............34
6.3.5  一秒门脉冲形成波形图............................ ..........34
6.3.6  12位比较电路compare.......................................34
6.3.7  12位D触发器..............................................35
6.4  MAX120A/D转化器与FPGA(EPF10K10)的连接图.........................36
结    论    38
参考文献 .................................................................39
附    录 .................................................................40
致    谢 .................................................................46

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