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幼儿英语教案:Little ear i family

12-16 14:56:48   浏览次数:70526  栏目:幼儿英语教案
标签:幼儿英语教案大全,幼儿园英语教案范文,http://www.duowen123.com 幼儿英语教案:Little ear i family,
Little ear i family

Little ear Is Family 
 "Hey little bear,get up!" Little bear is mom wakes him up.Today is the day of the picnic for little bear is family.Early in the morning,monmmy bear started to make a honer pie .Honey pie is little bear is most favorite food.Father bear,who is very strong ,takes a bag and leads his family .Little bearis havinga race with hi ister."Ready!Go!"Finally ,they arrive at the field."Oh,it looks very delicious!"The honey pie smella very good. 
 Raindro are starting topatter.At that moment father bear says,"Let is have a race to the big tree over there!Ready!Go!"Mother bear is ru ing and she sli the rain,And the honey pie falls on the little is head.The little bear is face gets covered with honey."Yum<yum,yummy!"his mother,father and sisterlick his face."Oh stop!don not tickle me!""please stop ki ing me."But the little bear is ha y to know that his family loves each other. 


,幼儿英语教案:Little ear i family
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